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重庆市重点实验室学术交流报告——Preparation and Capacitance Performance of Composite Transition Metal Oxide Materials

时间:[2020-12-08]  来源:

报 告 人  : 冀培源(重庆大学物理学院)


地 点 : 物理学院 LE705

邀 请 人  :软凝聚态物理及智能材料研究重庆市重点实验室


More ion dynamics in additional redox reactions between the electrolyte and active materials could significantly improves the capacitance in supercapacitors. In out previous work, nano-sized, tunnel-structured Ti-doped Na4Mn9O18 nanoparticles (TNMO-NPs) were synthesized by a facile and high-production method of the solid-state reaction with a high-energy ball-milling process. As electrode materials applied in the supercapacitors, the as-synthesized TNMO-NPs exhibit a high energy density and superior stability. Recently, By simple dynamic regulation in synthesis process, a novel Zn-Co-Ni triple oxide material with core-shell structure has been successfully synthesized by one-step method. Benefits from its unique structure, the as packaged asymmetric supercapacitor exhibit satisfactory capacitance performance. All those results confirmed that the active materials with unique morphologies could  provide more active sites composed to the electrolyte, and the tunnel lattice structures could act as an stable frame to storage the ions.


重庆大学物理学院2019级在读博士生,师从奚伊教授,研究方向为超级电容器储能材料和柔性储能器件(Supercapacitors and Flexible Energy Storage Devices),目前已发表SCI论文两篇,在投SCI论文一篇(Under review)


