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时间:[2020-08-06]  来源:

报告题目 : 电荷激励摩擦纳米发电机及有效的电源管理

报 告 人 : 刘文林(重庆大学物理学院)

时 间 : 2020年8月7号(星期五)下午 14 点 00 分

地 点 : 物理学院 LE705

邀 请 人 : 软凝聚态物理及智能材料研究重庆市重点实验室     


 The low charge density and energy utilization efficiency are two key factors for triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) to improve its output performance. Recently reported charge pumping method and LC buck strategy partly improved the issues above, but it is still far from enough for the commercial applications. Here, inspired by the historical development of electromagnetic generators and switched capacitor convertor, we propose self-charge excitation TENG and fractal-design based switched-capacitor-convertors, achieving 1.25 mC m-2 high charge density and 94% energy transferred efficiency, respectively. The novel designs may provide two promising strategies for achieving high-output TENG towards practical applications.


 重庆大学物理学院在读博士生,师从胡陈果教授,研究方向为摩擦纳米发电机(Triboelectric Nanogenerator),近年来在《Nature Communications》、《Nano Energy》等期刊上发表SCI论文6篇。


下一条:重点实验室刘雳宇教授课题组在《Lab on a chip》发表重要研究成果
