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时间:[2020-12-23]  来源:

报 告 人 : 宋前举(重庆大学物理学院)

时 间 : 20201224号(星期四)晚上 1900

地 点 : 物理学院 LE705

邀 请 人 :软凝聚态物理及智能材料研究重庆市重点实验室


Some photonic and plasmonic chains and slabs have bound states in the continuum (BICs) that have infinite quality (Q)-factors even though their frequencies and momentums are matched to vacuum modes. We show that a prototypical system provides an analytically solvable model for BICs. Under a parity-time (PT)-symmetric perturbation, we further show rigorously that a BIC always splits into a pair of new type BIC and lasing threshold mode. Different from the ordinary BIC, these PT symmetry-induced BICs (pt-BICs) can be excited by an external source but do not radiate, and they carry a reduced Q-factor divergence rate compared with the ordinary ones. All these results clearly demonstrate that the interplay between PT-symmetry and BICs is capable of spawning a host of novel phenomena unseen in the physics of PT-symmetry.


重庆大学物理学院在读博士生,师从韩德专研究员,研究方向为微纳光子学和表面等离子激元等,近年来在《Science Advances》《Physical Review A》等期刊上发表SCI论文4篇。


